Lockdown Antics
Getting inspiration and working to prompts
So far I have found it difficult to feel inspired during the lockdown. I am missing the accountability and focus of both my weekly life drawing class in the village and my monthly meetups with a couple of other local artists. I have perhaps underestimated the value of briefs and challenges supplied by these groups when I am having “Artists block”. I sometimes need someone more enthusiastic or knowledgeable to try a new technique or their feedback to build on work or head in a certain direction.
On the other hand, my “virtual” artists community has grown. I still need to learn masses about platforms like Instagram. How to use them for myself and how to find what I am looking for or to promote my work. I have made some new “friends” and had some conversations. I love the immediacy, the ability to ask a question just like that and even get a reply in real-time. I have seen some fascinating work, been inspired and seen what inspires others.
The print above was a virtual brief set by the life drawing group - self-portrait in isolation!
This print is being sold in my shop and also via Instagram as part of the Artist Support Pledge- a global movement in support of artists and makers, many of whom have lost work, sales, teaching and other sources of income due to the Covid- 19 Pandemic. Use the hashtag to find out more and to buy and sell works. A great opportunity to inspire and share with each other.